Jax the Cat

"Maybe that's what life is... a wink of the eye and winking stars" Jack Kerouac

Meeting Jackson, the Culver City outlaw 11:00 AM

Meet Jackson, a handsome, free spirit who charms everyone he meets!
He is looking for a new home with friendly, well-mannered people who will greet him affectionately in the morning when he wakes up.

He loves "kitty krack" (Trader Joe's canned food), cat nip and naps in the sun. He likes to watch the world outside, pretends to be interested in French films and purrs like a lion.

This is the first day he let us feed him without running away. The story goes that he was living with a family up the street and one day, when he was still a kitten, they packed up a U-Haul and drove away without him. Someone saw he sit in the front lawn staring all night in the direction the truck drove off.

But there is more to the story...

~ Ro & Lu