Jax the Cat

"Maybe that's what life is... a wink of the eye and winking stars" Jack Kerouac

Handsome guy! 11:45 PM

Jax the cat is looking for a great new home!

Toni (424) 272-1731


How do we describe "Jax" Jackson? Some call him a beatnik kitty poet because he has such a unique personality sometimes being contemplative looking out the window. He is more soulful than most. He seems to ponder life on a philisophical level. That might sound ridiculous, but after knowing many cats, it describes him well. He was named after a Johnny Cash song because he likes his music. In fact, he responded to his name the first time it was said like we "discovered" his true name. He has always been a friendly, responsive and engaged kitty. Some call him "one of the guys" because he likes to hang out with everyone preparing dinner, playing poker, strumming a guitar or watching movies. He loves to be around people and in the action. He is a very social guy. He would be a great match for someone who works from home or is retired and wants company. Jackson's foster guardian works extended hours and he gets very lonely. By the time she comes home, he has an insatiable need for affection. Having a regular companion would be ideal. 

Like many adult males, he has been competitive with other male cats. But he has made friends with female cats. He had a sweet girl companion, Cleo, who was another neighborhood stray. When Jax was fostered, Cleo would come to his window late at night and "meow" to him to come out. It was so sad! He would be "at alert" staring at her and pushing his face against the screen. He rarely "meows" but he would for her. It took months to catch her and foster her. But sadly they were separated in different foster homes. It would be extraordinary & very romantic if anyone decided to reunite them and adopt them together. We can email you a link to her blog if you are interested.

Jax is the favorite cat we have fostered. As someone recently said, "he is a really cool cat." Agreed. He loves people. He respects the home and has great manners. He is not destructive at all -no scratching off his posts, no spraying, no chewing anything other than his toys. He does like to explore new things brought to the home. For example, a family member went to Costa Rica and brought back large coffee bags & tapestries. Jax loved smelling them and laying on them. Also, he responds to being instructed not to sit somewhere, touch something or climb someplace. A firm but nice "Jackson get down" "or "not there Jax" suffices. 

Clearly, he was socialized in a home when he was young. The main reason for the stray population in our Culver City neighborhood is people moving and abandoning their (unfixed) cats. It is heartbreaking. Jackson is one of those cats. A neighbor reported that he saw Jackson's family drive away in a U-Haul when he was young. Jackson sat in the front yard for days staring at the direction the truck left. Then he made friends in the neighborhood and had people who would feed him. He "chose" his foster home by sitting on their porch daily and waiting for dinner and get pet. He is always good company. The day he was "caught" he went straight to the vet to get fixed and a check up. He was so confident and gracious, like "finally, people are taking care of me." He relished being indoors, having comfortable places to sleep & his own toys. He is very curious but too aloof to show it. If he sees something of interest he might casually glance at it, yawn, stretch then slowly go in that direction. He is too cool for school!

We are looking for a family to adopt him alone or he would be a good match with a friendly dog or a female cat. We wish for him to get the best home with kindness & love!

~ Ro & Lu