Jax the Cat

"Maybe that's what life is... a wink of the eye and winking stars" Jack Kerouac

Making friends & Rolling in the Grass 11:00 AM

Jax was hesitant around new cats but tried to make friends. Our cats were less accommodating. 

Jax prefers a holistic medicine since Frontline and Advantage made his hair fall out. There are many other flea remedies that are non-toxic but we decided to keep him indoors to solve the problem.

~ Ro & Lu


tcfike said...

He looks like he would be wonderful in any home.

Jax said...

Hey, sorry a comment was deleted -just learning how to use blogger ;-(

Dave said...

Tech kitty rules! Cool blog. Are you going to learn to pay piano now jax?

Anna said...

looking good Lu

Jin C said...

Fly him to me in NY! I want him! He is really cute!

Lisa Morrison said...

Did he get a home? I'm making a blog for the kittens my sister's cat just had. I can't believe that she did not get her fixed! WTF????

There are way too many animals in shelters getting killed everyday! Keep up the cause Romaine!

Anonymous said...

Wow - Jax is amazing. What a personality... I would take him in a minute if I could... There is someone out there who needs him in their life!!!! Let's find them.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Romaine - you are a Saint.. Let's all go to work and find Jax a home.

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